Retro & Vintage in Buffalo NY
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Our Pledge to Promote Racial Justice

June 3rd, 2020

To our customers and friends,

The recent terrible events in Minneapolis, together with too many others occurring around our country that are tragic and heartbreaking, and conversations with customers and friends, have made it clear that we must no longer remain silent.

As white people we can't imagine what the Black community is going through, and can never fully know the reality of being Black in America.

But racism isn’t just Black people’s problem; it’s everyone’s problem because it erodes the fabric of society.

Those of you who know us personally know where we stand on racism and discrimination.

But we want every single one of you to know we are committed to fighting against racism and discrimination, and condemn all related acts of violence. 

Today we, as Cats Like Us, make a pledge, to take the following steps to exercise greater compassion and initiate action that helps promote racial justice for Black people as well as all others who are marginalized:


We commit to learning about racism by seeking the facts about racist events and learning how to talk about race through resources such as the “Talking about Race” from the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, and "A History of Race and Racism in America, in 24 Chapters" by By Ibram X. Kendi.


We affirm everyone's right to safety and personhood and want you to feel protected. Additionally Cats Like Us is Open To All and is a safe space regardless of race, gender, identity, or religion, and will post this affirmation on our website and in our store for all to read.


We will use our influence to help promote equity and effect change, and will no longer remain silent on the topic. We will add this pledge to our website and include it in our newsletter and email correspondence.

Please let us know if there’s anything else we can do to be supportive, even if you just want to talk about what’s happening. I understand if you don’t, but we just want you to know that the door is open, and that we care.

Be kind to one another.

Julie Ann & Andy